Trees —Never Plant One Next To Your House

Those first warm days of spring are exhilarating. Warmer weather has us thinking of all the possibilities for our yard’s landscape. Off we go to the local nursery where brightly colored packages of flower bulbs call our name and young sapling trees come tagged with the promise of blossoms or fruit. “We’ll plant the tree just outside the window where we can watch it grow for generations”, you say. It all sounds great. Until the tree grows up.
Planting a tree too close to your house can be dangerous. In addition to the risk of falling branches, roots from mature trees can weaken your homes foundation and cause basement water leaks not to mention potential clogged plumbing and sewer pipes that could lead to water damage and repairs. When the roots of trees infiltrate your pipes, costs can go upwards of $5000 for repairs.
Plant trees that will grow medium to large size at least 30 to 50 feet away from the house. Smaller trees (30 feet or less) at least eight to ten feet away. Following these planting tips should protect you from fallen tree mishaps, and water damage due to rogue root growth around sewer pipes and plumbing.
If you experience water damage due to foundation leaks or broken pipes, call the professionals at Advance Restoration—We’re there when you need us.