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3 Proactive Home Improvement Tips for Fall


Fall brings the perfect weather for performing those last-minute DIY home improvement projects

While September reigns in cooler temps and summer activities waning what better time to show your house a little extra TLC. Use these 3 home improvement tips to save money on costly property damage repairs down the road.

Home Fire extinguisher

Home Improvement Tip #1: Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

According to the American Red Cross, home fires have increased, rising 10 percent since 2000. Generally, home fires are more prevalent during the fall and winter, with December and January being peak months. So, there is no time like the present to get started and avoid fire damage repairs altogether.

Fire extinguishers can break down over time and malfunction. Keep your home safe sound by getting your fire extinguishers checked by certified professionals every six years. Buying one for each floor of your house is a good plan—don’t forget the garage!

Home roof damage

Home Improvement Tip #2: Inspect Your Roof

Roof repairs can be a costly improvement project, but so can water damage restoration. Do a walkaround of your home to inspect the roof, siding, grading and gutters—to ward off issues in advance. It’s a lot easier to fix in the fall than on a snowy winter’s day.

Tree Trimming Improvement

Home Improvement Tip #3: Preventative Tree Trimming 

Winter storms are on the horizon and heavy snow and ice has been known to tumble a tree branch or two. Those dead branches can be deadly for your roof. Not to mention, your gutters, siding, and windows. A simple home improvement task can ward off these pitfalls—trim all branches within 3 feet of the house. Trimming your branches could save you oodles of cash on roof damage & repairs.

Are You Beyond DIY—Need Help with Property Damage?

Maybe you’ve done your due diligence or perhaps not, we’re here to help. If you find you have roof leaks, fire damage, or water damage give us a call and one of our friendly assistants will be happy to connect you to one of our property damage experts. 866-465-2409.


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Are Toxic Mold Spores Growing in Your Home?

Toxic mold can grow even at low temperatures. In the winter, mold usually grows in uninsulated areas that aren't heated. Heated air rises to cold, therefore under-insulated places like the attic and can cause condensation allowing mold to grow. Cold temperatures can temper mold growth, but won't kill spores. If…

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