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Mold Cleanup Tips

While waiting for help

Mold can be found virtually almost anywhere; it can grow on any substance where moisture is present. If you are suffering from mold damage, take the precautionary steps outlined in our mold cleanup tips while you wait for professional help to arrive.

  • Try to eliminate the source of the moisture as soon as possible. Mold can’t grow without moisture so you must control the underlying problem and stop the moisture at its source.
  • Always wear eye protection, latex gloves, and appropriate respiratory protection during any mold removal exercise. The EPA recommends the N-95 respirator available on the Internet and at most hardware stores for approximately $12-25.
  • Reduce indoor humidity (to 30-60%) to decrease mold growth by:
    • Venting bathrooms, dryers and other moisture-generating sources to the outside
    • Using air conditioners and de-humidifiers
    • Increasing ventilation
    • Using exhaust fans whenever cooking, dishwashing and cleaning
  • Non-porous and semi-porous materials such as metals, glass, hard plastics, wood, and concrete can typically be cleaned and reused. Porous materials such as fabrics, ceiling tiles, insulation, and drywall may be cleaned, but it is recommended that they be removed and disposed of properly, as it is extremely difficult to ensure complete removal of mold.
  • Using a cleaning agent or soapy water solution thoroughly clean the moldy surfaces. Be careful to dry the area well and dispose of all sponges or rags used in both the cleaning and drying process. Chlorine bleach us not recommended for routine mold cleanup.
  • After removing visible mold from surfaces, clean all nearby areas and vacuum the floor.
  • Ventilate well until all surfaces are dry and free of mold.
  • Regularly check the area for signs of recurring water damage and new mold growth. Returning mold could indicate the underlying moisture issues is still at large.

Taking these easy steps can go a long way toward getting your life back to normal after mold due to water damage. If you are in need of more detailed cleanup, call our mold remediation experts.

For your convenience, here is a downloadable mold cleanup tips PDF.


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