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Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair Counties & Surrounding Areas!
877-363-7462 or toll-free at:877-363-7462

They say nothing in life is Free. WRONG.


Here’s where to get free or nearly free chocolate chip cookies on National chocolate chip day!

With all that’s going on in the world the team at Advance Restoration thought it would be nice to share the joy of a free cookie rather than disaster, pandemics, and pandemonium. That being said, today, May 15, is National Chocolate Chip Day

Nothing is quite as comforting or brings as much joy as a warm chocolate filled cookie—especially one that is FREE or well, nearly free in some cases. Here is a list of all the places and locations in Michigan that you can restore your faith in all that is good and sink your teeth into a chocolate chip cookie for next to nothing:

Don’t let the day pass you by without experiencing a little joy in the way of a free or darn near free cookie! If you get any extras, we won’t mind if you leave them on our doorstep!

At Advance, we see ourselves as first responders. When our customers have a disaster like flooding, sewage backup, storm damage, or fire—we’re there when they need us. As first responders we are also the first to lineup for cookies so bring em’ on!


We offer a full range of disaster claims services

Are Toxic Mold Spores Growing in Your Home?

Toxic mold can grow even at low temperatures. In the winter, mold usually grows in uninsulated areas that aren't heated. Heated air rises to cold, therefore under-insulated places like the attic and can cause condensation allowing mold to grow. Cold temperatures can temper mold growth, but won't kill spores. If…

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