Ice Dams Services in Metro Detroit Busy After Heavy Snowfall

Heavy Snowfall recently has homeowners on the look out for ice dams that could be the cause of roof damage requiring ice dam services to homes in Metro_Detroit over the coming days.
How are ice dams formed?
Ice dams are created by the buildup of ice along the overhang of rooflines where there is no heat source to melt off ice and snow. Furthermore, ice slowly accumulates after heavy snowfall forming an ice wall that continues to grow as water pools up behind it forcing water under shingles and eventually into your home. As a result, ice dam roof damage is a major culprit of roof leaks in the winter months.
The easiest preventative measure is to rake your roof. Raking just three to five feet up from the gutters can avoid buildup of ice. “Once you see a leak inside your dwelling, there is more damage than meets the eye. Your house is full of insulation that literally soaks up the water like a sponge”, said Spencer Yaklin, CEO of Advance Restoration, a company that specializes in water damage issues. “By the time your insulation is fully saturated and starts dripping into the house, the problem is much bigger than it appears. Now, you have to remove sheetrock and insulation, dry out the area, and spray for mold growth. As a result, it makes for much more work that can be expensive and lengthy to repair.”
If you already have ice dams, break them up, remove frozen water from gutters or call someone to fix it.
Experiencing a leak inside your dwelling? It may be time to call in a professional ice dams services company. An expert understands how to stop the water at its source and repair the damages. Consequently, if you want to learn more about ice dam repairs visit Advance Restoration for more details or to make an appointment with an expert in roof damage repairs.