HURRICANE FLORENCE—What to do after the hurricane

Danger still exists after hurricane Florence, even though the driving rains and winds have subsided. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers the following safety tips for homeowners returning after the storm.
Is your neighborhood safe for your return? Stay tuned to local news on radio and social media for important announcements concerning the storm damage, for medical aid and other assistance such as food, water and shelter.
Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Be aware of specific travel routes and assembly points authorities have established for residents in the area. Roads may be closed due to flooding or road damage.
You may not have access right away to your home. Emergency rescue, power crews and other personnel may be tending to special needs. Roads may be blocked, power lines down and people may be trapped and in need of help. Avoid driving, sight-seeing or entering a storm ravaged area unnecessarily, it is better to stay put and wait instructions regarding safe return.
Avoid downed power lines, even if they appear to be harmless.
Avoid metal fences and other metal objects near downed lines.
Do not use matches or lighters in a storm damaged area until all gas lines have been checked for leaks.
Consider having professionals such as licensed contractors inspect your home for damage and to help with repairs, especially gas and electrical lines.
Assume that standing water is not safe and use properly stored water for consumption or boil your tap water.
Remember to keep your radio tuned to a station issuing emergency bulletins for the latest information and to be certain that you have the all-clear to return home safely.
Advance Restoration wants to ensure everyone remains safe until the time is right to return to your home and when you do— We’re there when you need us to help with all your storm damage restoration needs.