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11 Spooky Halloween Safety Statistics


Share these Halloween safety tips from Advance Restoration to help family and friends remain safe!


  • Children are twice as likely to be killed in traffic accidents on Halloween
  • 41 Million children will trick-or-treat this year in the U.S.
  • 63% of children do not carry a flashlight while trick-or-treating
  • 1 in 13 kids have food allergies
  • 82% of parents do not use reflective tape or visibility aids on children’s costumes
  • 70% of parents do not go with their children trick-or-treating
  • $13 million dollars in property damage is cause d by Halloween related fires each year
  • 12% of kids younger than 6 are allowed to -Trick-or-Treat alone
  • 65% of parents do not talk about Halloween safety before sending their children out to trick-or-treat
  • 52% of the automobile deaths occurring on Halloween involve alcohol
  • 41 people are insured in house fires each Halloween

Tips to Keep Children Halloween Safe

  • If you’re sending kids out trick-or-treating, make sure they have something bright and reflective on their costumes. That way, people driving will be able to see them after dark.
  • Make sure your child can see! Masks and large hats or wigs can block vision. If you can use makeup instead of a mask, it’s not a bad idea.
  • All costumes should be fire-resistant.
  • Children should carry flashlights or glow sticks to increase visibility
  • Be mindful of allergies or choking hazards when giving or receiving candy or toys
  • Go along with your little ones during neighborhood trick-or-treating if they are under 13 years of age.
  • Tell your kids to stay in large groups as an added safety measure
  • Set a time that your children should be back at home
  • If you are out driving, remember that kids tend to dart across streets, slow down, and keep your eyes on the road.

Sources: Census.gov, Protect America, Inc., SafeKids.org, Nationalcalandar.com


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